Wheel of
Radiant Health

An empowering voyage towards vibrancy.

The Wheel of Radiant Health was created by Ghislaine as a support system for her personal journey towards Radiant Health. The concept of a ‘wheel of life’ is well-known in the realm of personal development. Ghislaine and her husband create one each year to provide direction to their goals.

The Wheel of Radiant Health is different as it focuses on a single aspect of life, with Ghislaine infusing it with her personal touch. Her method, “Stop Eating Start Nourishing,” is integrated into this program, guiding you on a journey to discover which aspects of health resonate most with you.

This isn’t merely a diet or a short-term solution to weight issues. Rather, it’s a long-lasting tool aimed at Radiating Health and helping you feel wonderful in the long run.

Unlock your potential

Are you ready to unlock your full potential? This program is not a generic solution to just lose weight. We welcome you to a journey that prioritizes your uniqueness, helping you discover the tools and practices that will lead to a more vibrant, energized version of yourself. It’s about unlocking your full potential and embracing a lifestyle that resonates with who you are at your core.

Your personal plan

After completing the program, you’ll walk away with a personalized plan tailored to your specific goals and aspirations. This isn’t just a generic one-time fix—it’s a personalized program meant to empower you. And with the ability to review and adjust your plan, you’ll continue to evolve and grow on your path to radiant health.

Is this for me?

Yes, if:
✔️ You feel you have tried everything else.
✔️ You are ready to invest time in your health.
✔️ You are fed up with quick fix generic solutions that do not work.
✔️ You are open to explore a holistic approach to health.
✔️ You are committed to your health journey.
✔️ You are open to long lasting changes.

Start Now

Your journey to radiant health starts today! Don’t wait another moment to prioritize your personal radiance. With this program, you’ll unlock personalized codes for more energy, vitality, and well-being. Take the first step towards a glowing and happier you. Your future self will dance with joy for making the choice to begin now.

What’s inside?

✔️Fully automated program to progress at your own pace.
✔️ E-mail and video guidance by Ghislaine.
✔️ Practices and tips to craft your unique protocol to Radiant Health.
✔️Print out Wheel of Radiant Health.
✔️ Life long lasting methode.
✔️ Exceptional discount for a 1:1 session with Ghislaine.


Are you ready for true radiance?

Transform your life

Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey towards Radiant Health?

We believe that every woman possesses her own inner wisdom when it comes to achieving optimal health and vitality. There’s no one-size-fits-all approach here. Instead, we teach you to define your personal needs and desires to achieve long lasting results.

Radiant Health

Your personal support system

Ghislaine believes that true health isn’t just about diet and exercise—it’s about aligning your mind, body, and spirit in harmony. This program goes beyond surface-level solutions, guiding you to an intrinsic understanding of WHY you want to feel healthier. By tapping into your inner motivations, you’ll find the inspiration and drive needed to make lasting changes.

What can you expect?

Upon purchasing the Wheel of Radiant Health program, you will immediately receive a confirmation email. This confirmation ensures that you are officially enrolled and ready to embark on your journey towards Radiance.

Over the next 5 days, you will receive daily emails, each specifically crafted to guide you through the program step by step. These emails serve as a roadmap, providing clear instructions and actionable steps to help you navigate your way towards radiant health.

What sets our program apart is the comprehensive support Ghislaine offers. In addition to written instructions, each daily email features a video. These videos are thoughtfully designed to complement the written content, offering visual demonstrations and additional insights.

We believe that engagement is key to success. Ghislaine’s goal is not just to provide information but to empower you with the knowledge and tools you need to complete your wheel and achieve lasting results.

Join us on this transformative journey towards radiant health. Together, you will unlock the full potential of your radiance and create a happier and fitter you.

What can you expect?

Upon purchasing the Wheel of Radiant Health program, you will immediately receive a confirmation email. This confirmation ensures that you are officially enrolled and ready to embark on your journey towards Radiance.

Over the next 5 days, you will receive daily emails, each specifically crafted to guide you through the program step by step. These emails serve as a roadmap, providing clear instructions and actionable steps to help you navigate your way towards radiant health.

What sets our program apart is the comprehensive support Ghislaine offers. In addition to written instructions, each daily email features a video. These videos are thoughtfully designed to complement the written content, offering visual demonstrations and additional insights.

We believe that engagement is key to success. Ghislaine’s goal is not just to provide information but to empower you with the knowledge and tools you need to complete your wheel and achieve lasting results.

Join us on this transformative journey towards radiant health. Together, you will unlock the full potential of your radiance and create a happier and fitter you.

Your host: Ghislaine Albina

Ghislaine’s mission is to help women unlock their own potential for health and happiness. After overcoming her own struggles with body image and dieting, she developed the “Stop Eating, Start Nourishing” method. This approach is designed to help women break free from societal pressures and connect with their body’s true needs. By sharing her journey and the insights she gained, Ghislaine aims to guide others towards a healthier, more fulfilling life. Her programs are a testament to her commitment to sharing her gifts and fostering a supportive community.